Michael Eaton's 6 part series on Song of Songs
December 31 / January 7th
As we enter the new year I believe that God is inviting us into a new level of vulnerability in His presence. The next two Sunday mornings we will be looking at what it means for God to Restore us, Mind, Body and Spirit.
In God we Trust
A financial freedom series
In God We Trust is a 3 part series on Financial Freedom.
It’s so easy to become caught up in trying to stay financially afloat or in the pursuit of success as defined in the human world. But what does God say about money? What are God’s priorities?
As it turns out He has said quite a lot about money and it’s use. He has already encouraged us to be generous and to be Kingdom minded in our generosity. This series seeks to highlight a Kingdom perspective on finances, personally and for the church; and encourages us to practice daily what we believe, that when it comes to provision, and to eternal reward, In God We Trust.
Sunday Mornings 10:00 am, Purdy Elementary
Download or Stream the Series here
Or look for the Firebrand Church Podcast
Episodes 1 and 2 of a 14 part series on The Bible