The Gospel of Matthew


In 2016 we begin a journey through the Gospel of Matthew.

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 Matthew can be broken into 4 basic parts:

  1. Announcement & Arrival of The King (Ch 1-4)
  2. Proclaimation & Reception of the King (Ch 5-15)
  3. Opposition & Rejection of the King (Ch 16-27)
  4. Resurrection & Triumph of the King (Ch 28) -

It's important to note that through Christ's rise and decline in popularity He is still the King! He's not swayed or influenced by popularity, and this is still the case after His resurrection.

It is useful to think about Matthew as The Christian's Walk:

  1. (Ch1-4) The first steps of faith as the King takes up residence with the believer.
  2. (Ch5-15) Beginning to grow and learning to walk with authenticity and love.
  3. (Ch16-27) Facing opposition struggle and suffering in all forms: Relational; financial; personal (hopes & dreams); health John 16:33 "...In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
  4. (Ch28) Triumph as the Christian gets to share in His victory!